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Donor Cultivation: Fostering Long-Lasting Relationships with Donors

Did you know small nonprofits have reported that about 30% of their annual revenue derives from individual donations and 18% for large organizations? This makes individual donors valuable to both large and small nonprofits, which is why it is important to foster and maintain effective relationships with your donors. However, many nonprofits struggle to do so due to these three donor cultivation challenges: 

  1. Trust Issues and Lack of Connection

According to, 17% of donors state that building trust is a vital component before donating, while only 52% express faith in a nonprofit's handling of donations. A lack of trust can jeopardize successfully retaining long-term donors and can also negatively impact a nonprofit’s reputation. 

  1.     Decline in Active Donors

There has been a 10% decrease in active donors as well as an 18.1% decrease in new donors. This can impact the financial stability of a nonprofit and greatly affect your operational fund. While the statistics show there is a higher decrease in gaining new donors, there is still a lower decrease in maintaining active donors. There's hope! 


  1. Lack of Resources or Knowledge

It is not uncommon for nonprofits to struggle with cultivating relationships with their donors due to time constraints, a decrease in staff, and a lack of knowledge to implement strategic efforts to foster relations. Many nonprofits struggle to connect and build relationships on an authentic level with potential and current donors. This lack of cultivation can cause difficulty in maintaining sustainable relationships over time. 


If you find yourself struggling to obtain and maintain new donors, Q Impacts offers you the resources and tools to successfully win over every donor you meet and achieve your fundraising goals.


We offer a Donor Cultivation Course designed to create and foster meaningful connections between donors and your nonprofit. Our course promises to enhance your engagement and communication skills, improve time management, develop strategic plans for connecting with new and existing donors, and increase opportunities for meaningful donor engagement, ultimately helping you achieve your fundraising goals.

Don't spend another year on an ineffective donor development plan. Start building meaningful connections by booking a consultation with us today.


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