As we settle into June, we take time to reflect on the importance of Juneteenth as a national holiday. It provides a day of remembrance and cogitation for the inequalities endured by the black community. Juneteenth offers a perfect opportunity for BIPOC organizations to formulate a broader understanding around past and present challenges faced not only within minority communities but as organizations. Did you know that 41% percent of white-led nonprofit organizations received 50% or more unrestricted funds in FY2021 as compared to 26% of BIPOC-led organizations? This can negatively impact BIPOC nonprofit organizations not only in the present moment but also in the long term due to a lack of adequate funding. Let’s explore some of the issues often faced as a result of the giving gap:
1. Lack of growth to expand. According to Candid, the majority BIPOC-led nonprofits are often smaller and have access to fewer resources in comparison to their white-led peers. The median revenue of the majority white-led organizations is generally 54% higher than that of majority BIPOC-led organizations. If you are a BIPOC-led nonprofit, this disparity can significantly impact long term sustainability due to insufficient funding, which can ultimately lead to your nonprofit struggling to thrive without adequate monetary resources.
2. Relying on Fundraising.
The impact of inadequate financial support from the government, big corporations, and other agencies creates a never-ending cycle for BIPOC-led organizations to rely on donors as well as fundraising efforts in order to thrive. BIPOC leaders and board members often have a limited access to individual donors and raise less funds compared to white organizations. If you are a BIPOC organization, you might endure a potential barrier for BIPOC organizations to obtain sufficient funding due to many nonprofit organizations struggling to create effective call-to-actions, enduring difficulties overcoming event planning and management, lack of sufficient stewardship planning, and knowledge of donor cultivation.
3. Challenges Asking
Often, there can be issues with directly asking donors and sponsors for financial support due to cultural customs. This can consequently impact an organization’s operations and long-term sustainability, due to the lack of continual revenue, creating a budget that limits an organization to function on the same level as other nonprofits. Additionally, asking donors too frequently can create mixed emotions and potentially lose their interest in donating to your organization.
Although BIPOC-led organizations endure severe challenges from an unevenly distributed system, they still preserve with a significant impact on their community. It is important we celebrate the victories and success BIPOC-led organizations have accomplished throughout history; while also celebrating the importance they hold on a local, national, and global level. BIPOC organizations tend to be involved within their communities to ensure that their client's needs are met. During the pandemic, there was drastically a greater demand of 21% for services from BIPOC-led organizations in comparison to white-led organizations.
Additionally, they also offer a strong community representation through leadership within their organizations; in fact, a 2022 survey identified that 57% of BIPOC-led organizations have leaders with lived experience that are representative of one or more of the communities their organization serves, versus 18% of white leaders. This offers a significant value and need for BIPOC-led organizations within communities across the nation, while also creating visibility for individuals within those communities that are in need of services. As we celebrate the great strides that our BIPOC Nonprofit Community led has made we must also understand that as much great success we have experienced it doesn’t change the giving gap that exists in America.
If you find your organization is struggling due to the giving gap, you’re not alone. Many BIPOC-led nonprofits struggle with meeting their financial goals. At Q Impacts we offer solutions and courses to help your nonprofit maneuver through a system that makes it difficult for BIPOC nonprofits to thrive.
Our services are designed to aid your development team with challenges they face such as creating reporting metrics, cultivating donor relationships, setting SMART goals, and sharing your organization’s story. We offer customizable solutions to address common nonprofit issues and provide Event management & Stewardship services to meet your fundraising goals. With our help, we can help your nonprofit navigate the giving gap, manage constraints, and cultivate relationships that will take your nonprofit to the next level.
Transform your nonprofit by signing up today for a consultation.